Friday, January 28, 2011

What I've been up to

This is what I have been up to lately.  Ashley and John bought me an art class for Christmas and so I've been working on that.  I am loving it. Thanks Ashley and John!  It's called Magical, Mythical Makings and it's given by Tam LaPorte at  It is a a wonderful  class and our first assignment was to work in our art journals and to draw and paint our Goddess on canvas.  We were to choose a name, color scheme, and various things  and go from there.  My Goddess's name is Aine (Awn-yuh)  and her story is quite interesting, that's why I chose her.  So here she is meet Aine.  I'm quite happy with her (which is amazing, I usually am never happy with my work) Thanks for taking a look!
Nancy :)